Big news! We have updated our QR online ordering with more features to make your business easier and more efficient! We have heard all about your problems you faced and have brainstormed, integrated, updated, and improved on the QR online ordering system. In this article, we have listed them out in detail for you to let you further understand our new features. Climb on board Flight POS System 101.

Dear passengers, on your first stop, we have integrated third party delivery directly into the POS system. With increased demand for online ordering or through apps, restaurant owners can now boost their sales with this feature. Instead of maintaining multiple devices to manage all incoming orders, you now only need ONE tablet/iPad to manage them, because it is now streamlined into the QR ordering feature that allows your customers to order, pay and get their food delivered just by scanning ONE online QR code. Isn’t that more efficient?

And on your left, you will see that we have also incorporated membership program to increase your customers’ loyalty. This feature syncs your customers’ membership details with the Genius POS System that you are already using or going to use *wink*, without having to integrate the feature manually and painfully into your existing system. The Genius POS system can do more than just the basic tasks, it now offers promotions such as item discounts, loyalty points, upsell and cross-sell, “buy one get one free” features too. These promotions setup can be easily captured be it dine in, take out or delivery sales. It is an all in 1 integration platform. 

Moving on, as you can see on your right, we have also integrated Facebook messenger to aid in connecting with potential customers that have inquiries instantly. The messenger chat box allows customers to order online and communicate with your restaurant’s Facebook. This feature reduces the hassle of the customers having to find the restaurant’s Facebook page, chat and ordering separately. It allows a smooth ordering process with a push of a button.

Dear passengers, we are approaching our destination soon. Before that, let’s look at our last few features. What attracts our potential customers? What catches their attention when they browse your restaurant’s home page? The answer? YOUR BEST SELLERS! They want to know. Our Genius POS Online Ordering QR System can display your top sellers or even create a category on your best sellers to be more visible and obvious to your clients. This feature will help them decide faster and easier based on these best seller recommendations!

Before we descend, we equipped the QR Online Ordering system with a robot that calls on missed orders. More frequently than not, restaurants will miss an order or two and we will help you minimize that as much as possible! With a well-oiled POS system that is integrated from the front desk to the kitchen, no orders will be missed. But what if your POS system suddenly goes offline? The robot in our Genius POS system will call the restaurant owner on the RARE case that the POS system goes offline, and orders are not coming through POS counters. Hence, you have an added security to secure all your orders and avoid any missing orders from happening.

Now passengers, as we descend, just to remind you that we have added more than 50 new settings on our QR online ordering feature that will suite your business in any environment. I hope you have enjoyed your flight. Thank you for flying with us. 

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